First time in Counseling?

If you’ve never been to see a therapist before, starting for the first time might be a little unnerving. People often wonder “are my problems serious enough to talk to a professional about them?”, “will this be worth the money I spend?”, “how is this any different from talking to a loved one?”, “how long will it take before I start to feel better?” “Does talking to a counselor mean that I’m mentally ill”? 

I believe that healthcare inequities are the primary reason why people tend to wait to seek mental health care until their problems have become quite serious . For that reason, people have come to associate counseling with serious mental health concerns. But the truth is that everyone deserves access to counseling, no matter how severe their concerns may be. Second, investing in yourself may feel like a luxury, but I hope you will find that the investment allows you to create the life you want. Talking with a professional can help you feel cared for without all of the complicated dynamics that sometimes come up in your personal relationships. Everyone’s journey looks different, but many people start to notice a change after just a couple of sessions. Although mental illness is sometimes part of why people seek counseling, it’s only a small part of the bigger picture. Many people seek counseling in response to an environment that they have a limited amount of control over.

The first session of therapy is typically scheduled for an hour. During that time I’ll ask you a lot of questions about what’s bothering you, your family history, your personal history, and your relationships. After that, most sessions are pretty conversational. I typically use a Relational approach to therapy, but I will work to adapt based on what works for you. 

Making the decision to be vulnerable with a new person is always scary, but it can be especially scary to start therapy because of the stigmatization that is sometimes associated with counseling. I’m glad you're here. Schedule a free 15 minute consultation using the client portal, and I will happily try to answer your remaining questions.